Last week, I stopped by two of my favorite kiddos house to ask Grace to be my flower girl,  which started a fun little impromptu photo shoot. We woke Grace up from her nap so she wasn’t super thrilled to be up and at ’em (and she may have not actually napped – she was in bed with a beanie on and all her toys on top of her – new big girl bed problems). She loved her gift and even thought it was a necklace at first but when I asked her to be in the wedding she said, “No, I don’t want to be in a wedding.” She’s two – “no” might be her favorite word. I have a feeling she thought the wedding was that day. Either way, it made her mom and I giggle.


Terrible twos or not, we still had a dance party to “All About That Bass” and “Shake It Off”, Grace counted to ten in Spanish for me, Baby Jack showed us his crawling skills and we snacked on some bell peppers – Grace’s favorite.


Since our wedding isn’t until May, I think we have time to convince Grace to be in our wedding.