While I love setting New Years Resolutions once the calendar has started over, I really love the bench mark of my birthday. Today I turn 29 years old, an age that was kind of scary back when I was 22 but is now the new 21 to me. My view of what 29 would hold back when I was fresh out of college was totally different than the reality today. I think I saw myself owning a home and married with at least one kid, but instead I am renting, engaged and I have two dogs. ( P.S. I couldn’t image having a kid right now!) My reality is much better than my 22 year old vision.


As I start my last year in my twenties I must say I am very thankful for the fantastic journey I’ve had. I have the best friends, I’ve traveled quite a bit, I’ve started my own business and more importantly to me, I have taken care of myself, which used to be really scary to me. As a girl at 22, being single for seven more years was horrifying. I was terrified to pay my own bills for that long and the thought of starting my own business was really scary. But I did it. I don’t want to say I did it all alone because I had family, friends and boyfriend/fiancé who told me I could do it. But I did do it on my own financially.


I don’t think that 22 year version of Lori would recognize me today. But I am beyond proud of my journey here. I did it.


So as I start this 365 day journey about the sun I want to say thank to each of you. Whether you are a friend, family, a client or someone who found my blog  – thank you for your support, love, encouragement and for believing in me. I truly believe it takes a village. So thanks for being in my village


Here are some photos of me from 22 to now plus a bonus photo of me at my 2nd or 3rd birthday. If you need a song for the day go listen to Frank Sinatra “My Way”.


“I did it my way.”